our members
An Ordinary Member of the PFI is the individual firm or company directly engaged in the manufacture (either itself or through a third party) or distributor of pet foods whose brands are directly owned or distributed by it. Those persons or companies that own their own branded pet food products (potentially as a private label) and whose primary business is to put up such pet food to the general public for resale (retailing) shall be included in this category.
A Special Affiliate Member of the PFI is an individual firm or company whose primary business includes putting up pet food to the general public for resale (retailing), but who does not own its own branded pet food products potentially as a private label.
An Affiliate Member of the PFI is an individual factory or plant of a firm or company involved in manufacturing and supplying raw materials, vitamins or minerals for inclusion in pet food or any industry related to pet food, consultants, companies, legal entities or firms whose business is related to pet food.
An Associate Member of the PFI shall be any association, charity, educational institution, statutory body involved with pets, or research into pets, or pet food, but not directly involved for profit in pet food, including media representatives, who may be invited and duly elected to Associate Membership in terms of the Articles of Association of the PFI.
Why choose a pfi member brand?
PFI member brands promote responsible pet ownership and are committed to the production of quality pet food products that are not only safe for pets, but for those who purchase and handle their products as well.
The PFI ensures that legal standards in pet food nutrition are met and maintained, with the wellbeing of South African pets as the focus.
The PFI conducts random tests to ensure that products are of a high quality and that their contents reflect the claims made on their packaging, for both members and non-members alike.
Consumer concerns and pet food complaints handled by the PFI are thoroughly investigated using independent, accredited laboratories. Cases of non-compliance are addressed with the manufacturer and escalated to the Legislator (being Act 36 of 1947 at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)).
The PFI addresses industry legislative matters, ensuring that the legislation is applied equally by all market participants to promote a safe, sustainable environment that ensures quality & food safety standards are on par with international standards.
The PFI encourages an industry code of conduct that ensures ethical sales and marketing.