In this day and age, where business is driven by profits and bottom lines, it is not unheard of for pet food brands to alter their registered food formula before it reaches shop shelves. While some manufacturers have been known to “steal” from the bag to line their pockets, potentially leaving your pet at a nutritional disadvantage, others have publicly committed to upholding safe, quality pet nutrition, by joining the Pet Food Industry Association of Southern Africa (PFI).
In the interests of upholding international standards of quality & safety in pet nutrition, the PFI conducts random tests to ensure the quality of products found on our shelves. The PFI takes consumer concerns very seriously and will investigate complaints using independent, accredited laboratories. Issues are addressed with the brand or manufacturer in question and non-compliance is escalated to the Legislator (being Act 36 at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)). Concerns or queries can be emailed to or made via the website (
From an industry perspective, members enjoy the benefits of an industry body that is not only a credible and reliable voice for themselves, but that is also at the front line, fighting for the industry, to ensure that legislation dealing with pet nutrition and quality & food safety standards is of an international level and is enforced in a manner that is in the best interests of the industry as well as the wellbeing of the pet.
Members of the PFI pledge that their pet foods are aligned with ethical and safe food processes, giving pet owners total peace of mind in knowing that what it says on the bag, is exactly what is in the bag.
The old adage that “you are what you eat” holds true for pets as much as it does for their owners, so when choosing the right brand for your companion animal, the first question you should be asking is, is this pet food a member of the PFI?