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Household poisons – safeguard your pets from commonly found toxins

We welcome our pets into our homes with the intention of caring for them and sharing a wonderful bond. However, without knowing it, we could be inviting them into a danger zone if we do not educate ourselves on the numerous items that pose a poison risk to them.

Inside and out, wherever you turn, you’re likely to find items that are potentially lethal to our pets. Here’s the PFI’s (Pet Food Industry of Southern Africa) top 8 items to be particularly cautious with:

  1. Human foods

Just because foods sit well with us, does not automatically make them safe for your pet. Foods that should never be given to your pets include chocolate, coffee & caffeine, grapes & raisins, onions, garlic, leeks, & chives, alcohol, xylitol, various fruit & vegetable pits and foods that are unfit for human consumption.

  1. Human medication

Both prescription and over-the-counter medication pose a risk, including herbal and natural variations. Always keep your medicine cupboard well out of reach of pets and safely secured.

  1. Veterinary medication

The same goes for medication that’s been specifically prescribed to your pet. Medication should never be administered without veterinary guidance and should only be given in accordance with the dosage and duration indicated by your vet, for the original ailment to the pet being treated.

  1. Gardening products

Especially herbicides, garden pesticides and fungicides. Store these out of reach of pets and ensure they are safe for pets, if being used in the spaces your pets occupy. Protect pets from these products when in use should the product warn against contact.

  1. Cleaning products

Many of the products that we use to clean our home should never be ingested by us or our pets. Use within the home is generally safe, provided the product instructions are followed but storage should be inaccessible.

  1. Poisonous plants

Plants have varying toxicity levels. Educate yourself on which are most toxic and steer clear of planting these outdoors or keeping them indoors. Take note of alien or poisonous plants that may find their way into your garden without your knowledge.

  1. Household & maintenance items

Containing numerous chemicals, various household and maintenance items are potentially hazardous, such as fire lighters and paints. Store and use with care.

  1. Pest control items

Poisons used to control insects and rodents are potentially lethal to our pets. These items should be kept well away from pets and should be used and stored according to the instructions only.


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