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Spring – the time for tick and flea control

Although tick and flea control is important all year round, if you’ve let it slide during the colder months now is the time to get back on track before peak tick and flea season sets in. Spring brings with it warmer temperatures as well as wetter conditions throughout most of the country – these are optimum conditions for tick and flea survival, making your pet more vulnerable to an invasion if correct preventative measures are not taken.

When fleas feed they inject their salvia into the skin which can cause flea allergy dermatitis – a very uncomfortable condition, which can be fatal under severe circumstances. Tick bites have been known to be more serious, with the potential to cause over 15 related diseases.

With your pet being susceptible to countless species of different ticks and fleas it’s reassuring to know that it only takes 1 type of treatment to prevent an infestation. And there really are so many preventative options, available in stores and over the counter from pet supply stores and veterinarians, so it has never been easier or more convenient to ensure your pets stay free of these pesky parasites. Though having so many options – from collars to liquid applications to ingested tablets – may leave you feeling uncertain about what the best one may be.

The Pet Food Industry Association of Southern Africa (PFI) recommends discussing all available options with your veterinarian to identify which of these options is best suited to your pet, your pocket and the area and climate of where you stay. It is possible that fleas have become resistant to certain over-the-counter options, making them less effective so it really is worth your while seeking sound advice on the matter, to ensure you do not waste money on a cheaper, less effective route. Acting on a recommendation from a knowledgeable source is always advisable over acting on hearsay and unsubstantiated rumours, which have done the rounds in the past.

Once fleas have settled onto your pet it’s only a matter of time before they move into your home, nesting in your carpets, furniture and garden, finally setting their sights on you and your family – a new source of food! These sort of infestations are a lot harder to manage and can be extremely expensive and inconvenient to rectify, often requiring the services of professional (and costly) fumigators that may even require you evacuating your own home while they work. So, aside from the obvious and kind benefits to your pets, keeping them clean of ticks and fleas will benefit your home and family in the long run too.


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